"The Elephant in the Living Room" - In Movie Theaters April 1, 2011
The awarding winning film "The Elephant in the Living Room" takes viewers on a journey deep inside the controversial subculture where the most dangerous animals on earth are kept as common household pets. Director Michael Webber follows Tim Harrison, a leading authority and the man responsible for the rescue and capture of 'domesticated' exotic animals, as he works through the flood of calls he receives of dangerous predators roaming the inner-city and nearby suburbs. Tim deals with a ten-foot alligator walking through the streets of a mid-western town, a gaboon viper lurking in a garage, a leopard running through streets of a major city and an African lion chasing cars on the freeway, and countless other sightings of cougars, tigers, lions, bears and reptiles. The lives of two men intersect in the midst of this groundbreaking film. One, Tim Harrison, a police officer whose friend was killed by an exotic pet, and the other, Terry Brumfield, a man who is overcoming depression through a close connection with his pet African lion. Winner of four BEST DOCUMENTARY awards, "The Elephant in the Living Room" delivers the emotional story with exclusive interviews and never before seen footage of this highly controversial topic.
CAST: Tim Harrison, Terry Brumfield
DIRECTOR: Michael Webber
STUDIO: Night Fly Entertainment
RATING: Not Rated
THEATER COUNT (Opening Weekend): 100
RUNNING TIME: 90 minutes
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