"Winnie The Pooh" - In Movie Theaters July 15, 2011
Walt Disney Animation Studios returns to the Hundred Acre Wood with "Winnie the Pooh," the first big-screen Pooh adventure from Disney animation in more than 35 years. Owl sends the whole gang -- Pooh, Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, Kanga, Roo, and Eeyore -- on a wild quest to save Christopher Robin from an imaginary culprit. It turns out to be a very busy day for a bear who simply set out to find some hunny. What makes this Pooh special is its 2D theatrical release. Not one theater will be exhibiting the film in 3D, which is a great relief for any and all true Walt Disney animated movie lovers.
FEATURING THE Voices of: Craig Ferguson, Jim Cummings, Wayne Knight, Gilbert Godfried
DIRECTORS: Stephen J. Anderson, Don Hall
STUDIO: Walt Disney Pictures
THEATER COUNT (Opening Weekend): TBD
RUNNING TIME: 85 minutes
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