Another winner from Blue Sky Studios, creators of the Ice Age series, Rio is the biggest and brightest animated triumph since Toy Story 3. While not likely to match the billion dollar take of that classic, Rio still flies high on comedy, heart and great music. The story centers around a domesticated Macaw taken to Brazil, bird-napped, and then set off on a South American adventure. It's perfect family fodder with a sterling voice cast and a promotional tie-in with the ever-popular Angry Birds videogame that should guarantee giant box office numbers and a huge life after a long theatrical run.
A series of early scenes establishes Blu (Jesse Eisenberg), a domesticated Maca, who lives in pampered comfort with owner and Minnesota native Linda (Leslie Mann). Their sweet existence is threatened when a Brazilian named Tulio (Rodrigo Santoro) pays a visit and explains that Blu may be the last male bird of his kind and that it's imperative he comes to an Ornithology lab in Brazil where he can be mated with Jewel (Anne Hathaway), a feisty female Macaw. Only problem for Blu is he never learned how to fly, which makes him a bit out of sorts when he does eventually meet up with Jewel and must "romance" her. (Awkward!) Jewel is feisty and busts them both out of the lab. Thereafter they're bird-napped by a group of no-good thieves and trapped in dismal surroundings, guarded by an evil, nutcase cockatoo, Nigel (hilariously voiced by Jemaine Clement). Of course they manage to escape but mucho problemos precede that, as Blu has to go use alternate transportation to travel—or finally learn to use those wings. From this point the chase is on and the feathery pair find themselves mixed up in all sorts of wild times.
Director Carlos Saldanha has crafted a gorgeous looking ‘toon with superb use of 3D. Considering the large array of colorful visuals and the splendors of carnival time in Rio, Saldanha and his expert tech team manage to keep the picture much brighter than average 3D efforts, even with those pesky dark glasses. The wide screen wonders of the exotic locations are beautifully captured, but most importantly screenwriter Don Rhymer has scripted an engaging and funny story with vivid characters; and Rio's all-pro voice cast really delivers the goods. Eisenberg's nervous readings are perfect for Blu, while Hathaway's sweetness and pluck makes for great chemistry between them. Jamie Foxx as a canary, as Pedro and George Lopez as a Toucan stand out in musical and comedy bits, along with a very amusing Tracy Morgan, in this large voice ensemble.
Music and the sounds of Brazil play a big part in the proceedings with a sensational soundtrack including clever production numbers, a beautiful original tune "Fly Love" performed by Foxx and and a mix of samba standards from none other than the great Sergio Mendes, who lends his Brazilian flavors to superb effect.
Distributor: 20th Century Fox
Cast: Anne Hathaway, Jesse Eisenberg, Wanda Sykes, Jamie Foxx, Leslie Mann, Tracy Morgan, George Lopez, Rodrigo Santoro, Jane Lynch, Jermanine Clement and
Director: Carlos Sandanha
Screenwriter: Don Rhymer
Producers: Bruce Anderson and John C. Donkin
Genre: Animation
Rating: G for mild off color humor.
Running Time: 96 min.
Release date: April 15, 2011
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