Exporting Raymond movie

"Exporting Raymond" - In Movie Theaters April 29, 2011 

Follow Phil Rosenthal, Emmy Award-winning creator of the hit TV series "Everybody Loves Raymond," in this incredibly funny documentary about the attempt to translate "Raymond" into a Russian sitcom. A hilarious, warm and intimate journey of one man, considered an expert in his country, who travels to a land to help people that don’t seem to want his help. Lost in Moscow, lost in his mission, lost in translation, Phil tries to connect with his Russian colleagues but runs into unique characters and situations that conspire to drive him insane. The movie is a true international adventure, a genuine, fish out of water comedy that could only exist in real life.

CAST: Phil Rosenthal
DIRECTOR: Phil Rosenthal
STUDIO: Samuel Goldwyn
RATING: PG-13 (For adult situations)
THEATER COUNT (Opening Weekend):
RUNNING TIME: 90 minutes

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